Trade Publications


Barometer for landscaping companies Unep

Unep-Val'hor-Agrica - 1st half of 2018
Business activity of landscaping companies: Strong growth figures continue to prevail After 2017, a year in which landscaping companies registered a record resurgence in business activity, the industry is continuing to grow, in particular thanks to strong public-sector contracts.


Building with trees

The time that green decoration was is over. We are increasingly realizing the value of green for the quality of our environment, biodiversity and the health and well-being of people. Trees take a very important place in this. They absorb carbon dioxide, capture particulate matter, evaporate excess water and bring pleasant coolness during hot days.

Trees are part of our social capital. The benefits increase as a tree grows older. When making development plans, it is important to take account of existing trees and to create the right place for new trees. This cahier gives all sorts of handy tips for this. I heartily recommend it to you.

Egbert Roozen, director of the VHG branch association